Scientific Steps Group

Our Services

Statistical Analysis


Turn your research data into clear, easy-to-understand results. Using statistical methods, we analyze your research findings and research methodology to validate and quantify your work. We offer Statistical Analysis for research that organizes and presents your data in a clear, credible way, improving the transparency of your research and increasing reproducibility. Whether you have sample size concerns, difficult to interpret data, or inadequate explanations in your work, we can help you.

We offer 3 options of Statistical Analysis Service to meet your needs

Statistical Verification

Based on the research objective and data, an expert will analyze your data through the statistical method you select. This service assists you in validating the analysis and improving the research findings.

Completed in 7 business days after payment.

Price: $85

What do you get?
  • Statistical Findings & Results.
  • Modified graphs, charts and tables.
  • Modified SPSS Output file.
  • Methods/results sections written based on observations.
What we need from you?
  • The research objective and hypothesis.
  • The statistical output (e.g. SPSS file).
  • Sample distribution data.
  • The chosen statistical model/technique/tool/ programming language.

Statistical Recommendation

Using your final data and research objective, you work together with an Enago expert to develop the statistical model. Then the expert uses the most effective tools to evaluate the research methodology and findings. This service provides detailed observations and explanations that improve your work.

Completed in 8 business days after payment.

Price: $175

What do you get?
  • Statistical research findings and results.
  • Graphs, charts and tables.
  • SPSS Output file.
What we need from you?
  • The research objective and hypothesis.
  • Clean and labelled data.
  • The research objective.
  • Sample distribution data.

Statistical Analysis

This is a complete statistical analysis for research. Our experts will clean, test and verify your raw data and research methodology to ensure transparency and reproducibility. They will also supplement it with charts, tables and graphs. Your research findings will be organized, credible and publish ready.

Completed in 15 business days after payment.

Price: $380

What do you get?
  • Clean and labeled data.
  • Statistical research findings and results.
  • A Statistical Analysis Summary Report.
  • SPSS output file, graphs, charts and figure files.
  • Methods/results sections written based on observations.
What we need from you?
  • The objective of the study.
  • A short description of the study and the research methodology used for capturing the data.
  • Raw data.
  • Instructions for the expert and references to any published papers.

English Editing Service

Our language editing services are available to everyone, whether you intend to publish with SSG or not. Your document is professionally edited by language specialists who are native speakers of English. Our editors have knowledge of a variety of professional and academic fields, and are qualified to expertly refine your particular type of document. We will ensure your work is free from all English language errors.

Word Count Calculator

Word Count Calculator

Number of words:
Regular Editing
To improve your paper and make it more readable, a native English speaker will review the grammar, spelling, punctuation, and phrasing. Get back your paper free of language errors.
Completed in 5 business days after payment.

Price per word: $0.01
Total Price: $0.00
Rapid Editing
We'll expedite your paper. The editing will be done quickly, but to the same high-quality editing as the Regular service. Get back your paper that reads in a native English tone and is free of language errors.
Completed in 2 business days after payment.

Price per word: $0.015
Total Price: $0.00
Specialized Editing
An editor familiar with your field will check the overall structure, flow, and clarity of expression. Get back your paper with a good chance of being accepted by top journals based on detailed comments from journal publication experts in your field.
Completed in 5 business days after payment.
Price per word: $0.02
Total Price: $0.00
Place Order

Plagiarism Check Services


Our plagiarism check helps you identify passages in your paper that might be flagged by the journal for accidental plagiarism. We thoroughly check your paper for such situations by using a software that is widely used in the academic community to check the originality of a document. Plus, we also go the extra measure and provide a report that highlights the problematic sections of your document. We scan it for plagiarism using Turnitin, which compares the contents of your paper with over 40 million scholarly articles, books, and conference proceedings. You receive a report that recommends the appropriate corrective action for each issue. Completed in 1 business days after payment.


Pricing: $30

How it Works:


Upload your Paper


We Scan it using Turnitin, which compare the contents of your paper with over 40 million scholarly articles, books, and conference proceedings.


You receive a report that recommends the appropriate corrective action for each issue

Layout Editing service


Making sure that your paper is formatted according to rigorous journal standards can be a time consuming and frustrating process. Our editors have deep experience in working with formats like APA, MLA, ACS, AMA and IEEE. We ensure consistency in the document, matching your article to your target journal’s Instructions for Authors. Completed in 3 business days after payment.


Pricing: $50 
