Publish Your Next Book With SSIPS

Benefits to Publishing with SSIPS

Building Reputation and Earning Prestige

When you publish with us, your book becomes part of a distinguished collection, featuring works by some of the greatest thinkers, scholars, and contemporary minds.

Discoverable Open Access

Our Open Access book content is easily discoverable through major search engines like Google Scholar, Crossref and on the SSIPS eBooks platform.

Author-Centric Support

Experience personalized support as you receive thoughtful feedback throughout the publishing journey. From editorial assistance to finding the right subject list or series, our support extends beyond editorial to production, marketing, and sales. We pride ourselves on prompt, efficient, and helpful responses to author queries at all stages.

Rigorous Peer Review and Development

Benefit from the expertise of respected academic specialists who peer-review proposals and manuscripts. Our textbooks are extensively researched and reviewed by active teachers. Our experienced Development Team collaborates to shape key titles and digital products.

Global Presence

With a international presence, our editorial, marketing, foreign rights, and sales teams ensure your book receives the exposure it deserves. We actively forge new relationships in emerging markets.

Quality Design and Production Excellence

Utilizing the latest technology, our in-house production and design teams, along with external partners, efficiently produce visually appealing books.

Embracing Digital Evolution

As the industry evolves, we stay ahead with cutting-edge digital publishing approaches, investing in innovative ways to deliver the highest quality content to diverse markets.

Submit Your Proposal to SSIPS

SSIPS enthusiastically invites new book proposals across all major publishing domains. Whether you aim to transform your PhD thesis, develop an undergraduate textbook, create a teaching resource, compile a handbook, craft a scholarly reference, or cater to a professional audience, we eagerly anticipate your submission.

Considerations Before Submission

  1. Does your book proposal possess a novel, interesting, innovative, or compelling angle on the topic?
  2. Is there evident demand from an academic or professional audience for your book, and what specific aspects might attract readers?
  3. Does the scope of your book resonate globally?
  4. What aspects of your experience, research, and background make you the ideal author?

If your proposal successfully addresses these questions and aligns with our publishing framework, you can submit your proposal by complete the Book Proposal Form, or you can contact our Editorial Manager promptly. We welcome proposals for cohesive edited collections with a strong theme and consistent quality.

A book proposal serves as an initial overview, presenting key details about a book or open access project before completing the manuscript. Refer to our book proposal guidelines for comprehensive information on what is expected.

Upon initial review by the Editorial Manager, your proposal undergoes external peer review for expert feedback on quality and scope. Subject to approval, the Publishing Committee (or Editorial Board) grants final approval. Upon approval, a publishing contract will be offered.

For further details, refer to our Publishing Process Overview.