Book Proposal Form

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Thank you for your interest in publishing with us

The following questions are designed to provide a clear picture of your proposed book, which will help us to evaluate the potential publication. Please complete the questions as precisely as you can and provide a short CV of each author/editor. Please note:
- We ask for sole consideration of your proposed book. If you have submitted this proposal to any other publisher, please let us know.
- All entries should be in the language of your proposed book.
- Please do not include hyperlinks in this form besides your email address.

Corresponding Author/Editor


Please consider that this is how your name will appear in the book.


In case of co-authors or co-editors, please provide detailed information (name, address, etc.)
Please provide a short biography highlighting any personal and/or professional details relevant to your research proposal e.g. related research experience, work experience, previous books etc. Ideally this should be 2-3 paragraphs. It would be very helpful if you could provide your CV.

About your Book


Please enter the provisional title of your book. Titles should precisely describe the content. Avoid catchy titles that readers will not find when searching online or titles which may mislead readers to another topic. Utilize main keywords when creating a title and note that only 50 characters are displayed in most search results.
Please note that if your work has been previously published by an other publisher you will need the rights to publish in print and digital formats. Please check with the original publisher regarding their re-use policy.
Please state the following: Estimated number of pages in the book.
Submission date
Please indicate the date on which you expect to submit the complete manuscript.
Please provide a list of all preliminary chapter titles in the field below. In addition, please provide your table of contents with further details as well as a sample chapter, if available. Ideally this should be a chapter by chapter synopsis of the project. We recommend you state the chapter title and three or four sentences per chapter explaining the planned contents. For edited works, please also provide the tentative list of contributing authors. If you do not have that level of detail yet, please enter as much information as possible.
What are the main topics? Why are they important/relevant? What problem do you set out to solve? Max. 3000 characters including spaces. Please note that the first two sentences are the most enticing for readers and should be to the point, succinct and relevant. We suggest starting the first sentence with “This book offers/provides etc…” and ending the text with a short description of the target audience.
Please enter between 5 and 20 keywords that when typed in a search engine will increase the chances of your book appearing amongst the top results. Max. 75 characters including spaces per keyword. Avoid one-word keywords by using strings of text (E.g. Sustainable development initiatives in Australia).
Please enter 3-5 one-line bullet points describing what makes your book unique and appealing. (E.g. provides a comprehensive review of the rapidly expanding field of X, includes in-depth discussions on Y, covers a vast array of special topics and applications illustrating the wide use Z.). Max. 200 characters including spaces per line.
What is the intended market/readership?
Please list (including author, title and publisher) those publications that your primary readership is currently buying or using. What are the key benefits of your work compared to those publications you have listed? Where do they overlap and how do they differ?
Please indicate if your research was funded.
Publishing Type
Please indicate if you are interested in making your publication available open access.

Thank you for taking the time to fill out this form.

On submission, your proposal will be read by the appropriate commissioning editor who will, if necessary, discuss it with colleagues and/or send it for review by one or more external advisers chosen by us for their specialist and/or market expertise. After the initial assessment, we will contact you to let you know how we wish to proceed.