Scientific Steps Group

For Authors


Scientific Steps Group is an ideal outlet for the publication of your significant research findings. SSG’s main goal is to increase the importance of science worldwide, to give all researchers equal opportunity to share ideas, develop their career and for their work to have impact around the world. Publication of your significant research findings in Journals of SSG will enable your research to reach the widest available audience in your field of expertise. Your published papers will be available online with Open Access Policy and will be available for immediate citation. Read more about our Open Access Policy.


Why Publish with SSG?



  • Open Access: All our journals are free from all access barriers, allowing for the widest possible global dissemination of your work, leading to more citations.
  • Online Submission System: An efficient, easy, and user friendly online submission system reduces the overall time from submission to publication.
  • Rapid Publication: Online submission, rapid peer review and production make the process of publishing your article simple and efficient.
  • Peer-reviewed: All SSG journals have a high standard of peer review.
  • Extensive Indexing: All articles published in SSG journals will be included in some major bibliographic databases so that your work can be found easily and cited by researchers around the world.

Interested in Publishing with us?

1- Select a journal:
Find out about our Active Journals, their subject coverage and where they are indexed.
Read our Publication Ethics Statement
2- Prepare an article:
Have a look at Author’s instructions in each journal.
3- Submit an article:

All journals require the submission of articles via our online submissions system.


SSG Author Services

SSG Services

SSG offers professional end-to-end support to help make sure your next research paper meets format, language, and style requirements. Work with qualified experts in your subject area as you prepare your manuscript for publication and promotion.

SSG Author Services offers:

1- English Editing Service

2- Plagiarism Check Service
3- Layout editing service

Copyright & Author Entitlement


1. What happens about copyright?
In accordance with academic and professional protocols, SSG cannot accept an article if it is not the author’s original work, has been published before, or is currently under consideration for publication elsewhere. The article must not contain any libelous or unlawful statements or in any way infringe the rights of others. The author must be the owner of the copyright and be entitled to sign the Author Copyright Agreement, if applicable. In submitting an article, the author complies with these conditions.
2. Copyright Guidelines for Open Access (OA) articles Copyright assignment does not apply to articles designated by authors as Open Access. Authors of Open Access articles are not required to sign the Author Copyright Agreement.

All our journals allow the author of an Open Access (OA) article to retain the copyright in their article. Authors of OA articles retain copyright and grant the journal right of first publication with the article simultaneously made available on repositories under a Creative Commons license to allow others to freely access and use the OA article without any period of embargo. Information about our Open Access Policy.


Author's Guidelines

To ensure a smooth submission and publication process, please carefully review and adhere to the following guidelines when preparing your manuscript for submission.

Manuscript Preparation:

  • Manuscripts should be prepared in English and follow clear, concise, and grammatically correct language.
  • Ensure that the manuscript conforms to the journal’s specific formatting guidelines. These guidelines can be found on the journal’s website or in the instructions for authors.
  • Use a standard font (Times New Roman) and a font size of 12 points.
  • The article is written with a space of 1.5 except for the abstract and description of the image or table, which is using 1 space.
  • Number all pages consecutively, starting with the title page.

Title and Abstract:

  • Provide a concise and informative title that accurately reflects the content of your research.
  • Include an abstract that summarizes the objectives, methods, results, and conclusions of your study.
  • Limit the abstract length to a specified word count, as specified by the journal.

Authorship and Affiliations:

  • Clearly indicate the names and affiliations of all authors involved in the study.
  • Specify the corresponding author and provide their contact details, including email address and institutional affiliation.


  • Clearly state the objectives or research questions addressed in your study.
  • Provide sufficient background information to contextualize the research and highlight its significance.


  • Describe the research design, data collection methods, and any statistical analyses conducted.
  • Include sufficient detail to enable other researchers to reproduce your study.


  • Present your findings in a logical sequence using appropriate tables, figures, or graphs.
  • Provide clear and concise interpretations of the results without redundant repetition.


  • Interpret your results in the context of existing literature and the study’s objectives.
  • Discuss the implications, limitations, and potential future directions of your research.
  • Avoid excessive speculation and unsupported claims.


  • Summarize the key findings of your study concisely.
  • Highlight the significance and potential impact of your research.


  • Follow the specific citation style required by the journal (APA 7th).
  • Cite all relevant sources accurately and ensure that all in-text citations are included in the reference list.
  • Include complete bibliographic information for each reference, including authors, title, journal name, volume, issue, page numbers, and publication year.

Ethical Considerations:

  • Ensure that your research complies with ethical standards and guidelines for human or animal subjects, if applicable.
  • Provide necessary permissions and acknowledgments for any copyrighted material used in your manuscript.

Supplementary Materials:

  • If applicable, provide any additional materials, data, or supporting information that can enhance the understanding or reproducibility of your research.

Submission Process:

  • Follow the journal’s submission guidelines for manuscript submission. This typically involves submitting your manuscript via the online submission system provided on the journal’s website.
  • Ensure that all required documents, such as cover letter, copyright forms, and supporting files, are included according to the journal’s instructions.

We encourage authors to carefully review the specific guidelines and requirements of the target journal before submitting their manuscripts. For detailed instructions and specific formatting guidelines, please refer to the “Instructions for Authors” section on the journal’s website.

If you have any questions or require further assistance, please contact the editorial office at We look forward to receiving your valuable research work.