Scientific Steps Group

Conference Proceedings Proposal

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Thank you for your interest in publishing your conference proceedings with SSIPS Conferences Proceedings.



Conference Information


Conference Start Date
Conference End Date
Expected Conference Submission Date
The expected date for submitting conference proceedings after the review process is completed
Conference Type
What will the topics and sub-topical areas be?
Reviewed By Content Editor
Will your papers be reviewed by a Content Editor prior to submission to AIP Publishing?
Previous Events and their Proceedings
Is this the first time this conference has been held?
Please provide a summary of the procedures that will be used to review and select papers to appear in the proceedings.
Please provide all rates in USD. Also note if there are any additional publication fees.

Estimates for Quantities

The number of papers expected to be published in the proceedings
Have these articles or the results/data/figures contained in these articles been previously published?
Are these articles or the results/data/figures contained in these articles currently under consideration for publication elsewhere?
If you desire to receive a number of printed copies, there will be additional costs on the publishing costs, including delivery costs
Shipping Method

Additional Requirements

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