First SCCEE International Virtual Conference

Building the Future – Innovations and Challenges in Sustainable Civil Engineering

Date: 01 June 2024

Honorary Chairman

Dr. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh

Born on April 22, 1938. Founded Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Global (TAG.Global) in 1972, a leading global provider of professional and educational services with more than 100 offices worldwide.

Recognized as one of the most influential leaders in the world, with lifetime achievements, distinctions and outstanding contributions to education, accountancy, Intellectual Property, business administration and management, commerce, ICT, science and technology, law and other fields. A builder of institutions with a sense of history and a vision for the renaissance of the Arab and Islamic worlds.

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About Conference

In an age marked by rapid urbanization, environmental concerns, and technological breakthroughs, the role of civil engineering in shaping a sustainable future is of paramount importance. The 1st SCCEE International Virtual Conference is designed to be a collaborative hub where ideas converge, innovations are showcased, and solutions are crafted to tackle the intricate challenges faced by our societies.

The central motive of the First SCCEE International Virtual Conference revolves around “Building the Future: Innovations and Challenges in Sustainable Civil Engineering.” This means focusing on exploring and discussing advancements and hurdles in civil engineering that pertain to sustainability.

Furthermore, SCCEE-IVC invites researchers, both young and seasoned, from diverse engineering and technology backgrounds, to contribute and disseminate their research discoveries worldwide. Irrespective of their specialized field within engineering and technology, this initiative encourages the submission of relevant research papers, fostering an inclusive environment for knowledge exchange and showcasing diverse perspectives within the scientific community.

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Dr. Ali Jahami

Chair of 1st SCCEE International Virtual Conference

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Prof. George Wardeh

Co-Chair of 1st SCCEE International Virtual Conference

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Prof. Jamal Khatib

Head of The Scientific Committee

View Full Biography

Our Guest of Honor

Prof. Ghassan Aouad

Chancellor of Abu Dhabi University

United Arab Emirates

Prof. Alyaa Abbas AL-Attar

President of Northern Technical University


Becoming a speaker at SCCEE-IVC offers numerous advantages

Visibility and Recognition: Speaking at a conference elevates your profile. It allows you to showcase your expertise, gain recognition, and establish yourself as a thought leader.

Networking Opportunities: Conferences gather professionals from diverse backgrounds. Speaking provides an excellent chance to connect with peers, potential collaborators, employers, and clients.

Knowledge Sharing: Sharing your insights and experiences can contribute to the collective knowledge of the engineering community. It’s a chance to educate and inspire others in your field.

Career Growth: Being a speaker adds weight to your resume and can open doors for career advancement. It demonstrates your communication skills, leadership, and expertise in your subject matter.

Learning and Exposure: Engaging with other speakers and attendees exposes you to new ideas, trends, and innovations in engineering. It’s a learning opportunity that can influence your future projects and endeavors.

Personal Development: Public speaking boosts confidence, presentation skills, and the ability to convey complex ideas effectively. It’s an opportunity for personal growth and skill refinement.

Impact and Influence: Your ideas presented at the conference can inspire change, initiate discussions, or even shape the direction of the industry. It’s a platform to make a meaningful impact.



We invite original research contributions related to, but not limited to, the following conference themes:

  1. Innovations in Structural and Infrastructure Engineering
  2. Sustainable Construction Practices 
  3. Advancements in Geotechnical Engineering 
  4. Advances in Water Resources Engineering 
  5. Artificial Intelligence in Civil Engineering 
  6. Structural Health Monitoring and Risk Assessment 
  7. Transportation Engineering and Mobility 
  8. Environmental Engineering
  9. Project Management
  10. Ethics and Professionalism in Civil Engineering 
  11. Future of Civil Engineering Education 

Mark These Dates!

Paper Submission Deadline: 1 May 2024
Paper Acceptance Notification: Within 7 to 14 Days.
Booking Deadline: 10 May 2024
Conference Dates: 01 to 03 June 2024
**Authors of accepted papers who have completed their booking will be granted the opportunity to submit their full papers for publication in the Conference Proceedings and SCCEE journal.

Publishing Possibilities at SCCEE-IVC 2024

The 1st SCCEE International Virtual Conference on Building the Future – Innovations and Challenges in Sustainable Civil Engineering ensures originality by employing Crossref Similarity Check Powered by iThenticate to detect plagiarism in all submissions before review by the scientific committee.
Options for publication include featuring Extended Abstracts in the Conference Abstract Book with an ISBN.
Accepted papers can be published in AIP Conference Proceedings, indexed in Scopus and Web of Science.
Alternatively, papers can be published for free in the journal “Steps for Civil, Constructions and Environmental Engineering” after a rigorous double-blind review.
Published papers will receive a DOI, making them easily traceable and citable.
Published work will be indexed by Crossref and Google Scholar, expanding its reach in the academic community.


As we embark on this remarkable journey together, let us envision a future where sustainable civil engineering plays a pivotal role in shaping resilient infrastructure, minimizing environmental impact, and fostering social equity. Your presence and contributions at this conference will undoubtedly play a significant role in steering the course toward this ambitious vision.


On behalf of the organizing committee, we look forward to your active participation, engaging discussions, and meaningful interactions throughout this conference. Together, let’s build a future that not only meets the challenges of today but also paves the way for generations to come.

Welcome to the 1st SCCEE International Virtual Conference:

“Building the Future – Innovations and Challenges in Sustainable Civil Engineering.”